Thursday, November 15, 2007

The last one

For the most part I have felt this program has been really worthwhile, both professionally and personally. Obviously as librarians we have to keep up with changing technologies and patrons needs so learning a about "web 2.0" is critical to my success as an information professional. as far as the structure of this course is concerned I think it was pretty good but at imes I felt I was having to rush thru things a bit to keep up and often became frustrated when I didn't quite understand something and found it easier just to move on. However at the very least I know what a blogline is, what technoarti does and how to access library thing etc. I think it would be very useful if we continue to have access to the the web 2.0 progrqam site so we can go back at our leisure and re explore some of the things we liked or didn't quite undreastand the first time. I would find this really valuable as I want to know a lot more but have felt a little pushed for time. Or perhaps a site could be set up which has links to each application and gives a little background on each. Then I would feel a bit more confident in choosing the best one for my or my patrons needs.

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